Client客户: Hellas Group 希华集团
Location 项目地点 : JingAn Shanghai 上海静安
Status 项目状态 : Construction Completed 施工完成
Description 项目描述: Hellas House is the first Greek Cultural Center in China. The original building was a brick and wood only structure from 1934. A complete structural reinforcement was required introducing interior steel beams and columns that were left exposed. An extension was added on the ground floor as an open lounge that opens to the garden. The interior spaces feature many architectural and decorative elements imported from Greece.
此项目为中国第一个希腊文化历史中心. 原建筑为一栋1934年建造的老式砖木结构的建筑. 因为结构需求,设计阶段在室内添加了钢梁和柱子. 在一层部分加入了一部分扩建. 内部空间的建筑设计和装饰元素大部分来自于希腊.
Photos by Anne-Sophie Heist