Client 客户 : GuoLong Hospital 国龙医院
Location 项目地址 : YinChuan / NingXia province 银川 / 宁夏回族自治区
Status 项目状态 : Design Ongoing 设计阶段
Description 项目描述 : Design of a private Hospital in the city of YinChuan in North China. The 120.000m2 unit is located in the center of the city, adjacent to a library, a primary school and residential areas. The rectangular building volumes are organized around a central courtyard that aims to provide to patients and visitors a quiet space where they can relax and interact.
位于中国北方的城市银川国龙私人医院的方案设计. 该项目总建筑面积12万平方米,坐落在城市的中心地区,与周边的图书馆,学校和住宅区连接在一起. 呈矩形规划的建筑体提供了一个中央庭院, 旨在为病人和造访者提供一处安静轻松的户外环境, 用来放松和相互交流.