Client 客户 : New Vienna Museum 新维也纳博物馆
Location 项目地址 : Vienna / Austria 维也纳 / 奥地利
Status 项目状态 : Competition entry 2015 2015年设计竞赛初赛
Description 项目描述 : Competition entry for the New Vienna Museum. The main design principle of the proposal in the urban scale is to enclose and surround the existing museum building towards the main street giving an actual urban square atmosphere to Karlsplatz, but still in respectful distance from the historic Karlskirche. The old Vienna museum building is connected underground and above ground to the the new building volume but also features a transparent addition on the top.
新维也纳博物馆设计比赛的初赛. 中心设计理念是在如此的城市规模下对原有的博物馆建筑进行封闭和环绕设计, 从而在与历史建筑卡尔教堂保持距离的同时还能给与卡尔姿广场一种回归为真正的广场的感觉. 原维也纳博物馆地上和地下部分均与新建博物馆相连接并且在建筑顶部有透明的设计元素.